Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets

An important ministry is providing for others. Here is the food we collected for the Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets.

Blessing of the Animals

Many of us have pets that we love. Each year, our pastors offer a blessing for each of them.

Emeritus Elders

We had the opportunity to grant the title of Elder Emeritus to two very dedicated church members. Will Hine and Barbara Hunt both have dedicated a great number of years to Central Christian Church. It was an honor to bestore them with the title of Elder Emeritus.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School was held August 1-5. Each evening included Bible stories, music, crafts, games, snacks and more for children age 4 through 5th grade.

Holiday World

Our four God Squad graduates wanted one last trip. Yesterday they ventured to Holiday World. Despite very long lines and extreme heat the youth enjoyed their day with friends

Water Fun

Some of our youth met today to cool off from the heat. Not many of the youth were able to come, but those who did had a great time. There was plenty of fun and water!

Holy Cow Drop

After having to cancel the 2020 Holy Cow Drop, we could not wait to get back at it! Despite some early rain, it cleared up just in time for the show.

God Squad plants Geraniums

The God Squad met May 2 to plant flowers. They planted about 150 geraniums donated by church members. Afterwards they roasted hot dogs, made s’mores, and enjoyed their time together.

God Squad at Hawthorn Park

Some of our God Squad youth visited Hawthorne Park. We dodged raindrops to visit the playground and walked the labyrinth. After a picnic meal they explored some nature trails.


Although we still could not have Easter Worship in person due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we were able to mask up and meet in the garden for the Sunrise Service!

Garden Clean Up

Some of our youth enjoyed the beautiful Spring weather by cleaning up the Memorial Garden. The area had not been used for a while, so it needed a lot of work. All work and no play is no good, so they tried out the new playground. They also enjoyed a picnic lunch.


The ongoing pandemic did not stop the United Campus Ministries Chili-Fest. We had several church members and our God Squad roll up their sleeves and help.