Virtual Christmas

Due to the continuing pandemic, we could not be together in person this year. That did not stop us from holding virtual services and celebrating the birth of Jesus. Hopefully we will get to spend the 2021 Christmas celebrations together again.

Eagle Scout Project

As part of his service project as an Eagle Scout, Briley tore down the old, dangerous playground. In its place, he is building a new playground. We are thrilled that Briley chose this as his project.

God Squad Trip to Merom

The Central Christian Church(DOC)/St Mark UCC youth group visited Merom, Indiana. The group arrived in the fog to spend a challenging morning on the High Ropes Course at the Merom Camp and Retreat Center. After surviving the ropes course they walked to the Merom Bluff for a picnic lunch overlooking the Wabash River. They finished with a very interesting tour of College Hall.

God Squad Donation

Many of our God Squad youth have grown up at Central Christian Church. Over the years they enjoyed the playground on our church grounds. The playground was a victim of age and weather and became unsafe. The youth have been sad that their younger church friends are unable to enjoy the playground. One of our youth has taken on the task of re-building the playground as his Eagle Scout Project. Today, some of our youth presented him with a check for $200 from funds they have raised towards the playground project. They have also pledged their support in helping with the construction of the project. Thank you to these generous young people!

Worship in the Park

Despite the ongoing pandemic, we socially distanced ourselves and masked up to meet for worship in the park.

Youth Sunday Worship

As is our yearly tradition, our youth provided the Worship service on August 30, 2020. They did a wonderful job as always!

God Squad at McCormick's Creek

Our God Squad took a trip to McCormick's Creek. Despite the ongoing pandemic, everyone stayed safe and had a good time.

God Squad Pool Party

Our God Squad enjoyed an afternoon in the pool.

God Squad at Indiana Zip Line

Our God Squad enjoyed a fun trip to Indiana Zip Line.

God Squad at UCM

Our God Squad volunteered to help the United Campus Ministries at the annual ChiliFest.

Ash Wednesday Worship

Climbing Wall

Our Youth and God Squad had a great afternoon at the Climbing Wall on February 16.

Craft Make and Take

Youth Sunday

Our God Squad took over and performed the entire worship for us on February 2, 2020. We are blessed with strong youth leaders and proud of our future!

Caring Crafters and Rose Hulman Students

Nearly every Saturday, we have our group gather to make mats and other crafts for the homeless. This week they were excited to be joined by 15 Rose Hulman students who assisted in mat making.

Skating Party

Our youth (and some adults too!) gathered together for a fun afternoon of rollerskating at the WigWam.

Point In Time

We have a very dedicated group of people who volunteered to assist in the annual Point in Time to count homeless people in Terre Haute. In addition, volunteers put togethers care kits for the homeless including supplies for the pets of homeless people in our local area.

Caring Crafters

Nearly every Saturday, we have our group gather to make mats for the homeless. They also accepted numerous items to be donated to the homeless of Terre Haute during the Point in Time count.

Youth Group Big Splash Adventure